Sunday, December 10, 2006

Politics and my generation

Given that I normally try NOT to talk about politics or religion in mixed company its kind of strange that I would start out this way but this is less of a talk about politics and more a talk about the lack of politics for my generation.

For the record I'm 34 years old and I currently work in low level management (but I'm in the process of correcting that) at a Fortune 500 company in the northwestern suburbs of Chicago.

Maybe I just know the wrong people and travel in the wrong circles for what I'm looking for but it seems to me that no one my age even cares one whit about what's going on in the world! I've had friends tell me that it annoys them so they don't pay attention. Others have told me there's nothing they can do about it so there's no reason to pay attention. These feelings regarding the happenings in the world astonish me and sadden me just the same.

I'm going to stick to my rule about discussing actual politics for the moment and just make this a question about the state of people's attitude regarding them. Does anyone out there know what's happening in the world? In the US or abroad? Do you care? Or maybe do you fall into my boat of caring yourself but the people around you either don't know, don't care or just spout off what the media tells them without thinking about what their feelings on the issues at hand might be?

I would love to hear from anyone regarding just about anything!

Have a fantastic day!

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